Lecture 7.2
The Gendered Legacy of Reform
Sri Lanka
- Swimming in the president’s pool
- Causes of the crisis
- Years of economic mismanagement under Rajapaksas
- Rajapaksa govt. cut taxes after it came to power in 2019
- Banned fertilizer which decimated rice crop (staple)
- COVID-19 killed demand for tourism and remittances
- Then war in Ukraine led to grain shortages
- Sri Lanka ran out of money couldn’t by fuel or medicine
- Where is Sri Lanka now?
- What is the World Bank doing?
- In what ways is the Bank’s approach similar to or different from the one proposed by the Washington Consensus?
When robbing a bank seems perfectly justified
Read about the World Bank’s assistance to Lebanon
How is the Bank’s strategy similar to or different from its strategy in Sri Lanka?
Which strategy is better, the one being pursued in Sri Lanka or the one being pursued in Lebanon?
Women and the Washington Consensus
Discussion 1
- What does Benaría mean by the term “feminization of labor” How is it manifested in the following sectors/activities?
- Manufacturing
- Agriculture
- Services
- Migration
- Human Trafficking
Discussion 2
- Benería identifies three potential effects of women’s employment on gender relations.
- Liberating
- Intensifying
- Reconstitution of gender inequalities
- Describe each of these. Which effect do you think is the strongest?
Policy Models
- What policies effectively increase women’s empowerment?
- Three (that we’ll consider)
- Empowerment through development
- Electoral quotas
- Empowerment through finance/microcredit
- Two things to consider
- Effectiveness
- Attainability
Development and Empowerment (Duflo)
- Discussion
- Development –> Empowerment
- How does development empower women?
- Is development the solution to discrimination and VAW?
- Empowerment –> Development
- What does Duflo mean by “empowerment”?
- Is empowering women the answer for development?
Gender Quotas (Beaman)
- Districts randomly selected for reserved seats
- Some districts selected more than once
- Basic findings
- Districts selected twice in a row see changes in how parents view daughters and how girls perceive themselves
- Districts selected twice in a row see improvements in educational outcomes for girls
- No effects on labor force participation and education outcomes for older women
- Mechanisms:
- Changing policies (which changes beliefs)
- Providing role models
Think About
- Which Model is Most Compelling?
- Development
- Gender Quotas
- Microcredit
- Why?